Atlanta Beltline Design and Construction Updates: September 2021
Below you will find recent updates and photos of each of our Atlanta Beltline projects in construction or design along with links to get more general information about each project....
- Design & Construction

Below you will find recent updates and photos of each of our Atlanta Beltline projects in construction or design along with links to get more general information about each project. Additionally, you can explore current design and construction projects via map and list view here. These projects play a pivotal role in furthering the Atlanta Beltline vision to be the catalyst for making Atlanta a global beacon for equitable, inclusive, and sustainable city life.
All upcoming and past public meetings (still being held virtually) can be found at Our third Quarterly Briefing took place on September 9, 2021. Download the presentation and view the recording. Click here to catch up on August’s design and construction updates.
Atlanta Beltline design and construction updates: September 2021
Northeast Trail
Northeast Trail –Segment 2: The design is in the final stages for Phase II of this segment, which will extend the paved trail north to Mayson Street and south to Westminster Drive, bringing it to a total segment length of 1.2 miles. The work will include lighting, landscaping and security cameras. Phase II is expected to bid for construction before the end of 2021.
Northeast Trail – Segments 1, 3, and 4:
Beginning Sept. 28, a gravel path approximately 14 feet wide will be installed on the existing unpaved trail, starting at the wooden bridge over Clear Creek behind Ansley Mall and working down to Monroe Drive. Some trail closures will be required and signs and detour routes will be clearly posted. Work should be complete by the end of October, barring any unforeseen circumstances. This project is made possible thanks to a generous contribution from the Speedwell Foundation.
The Locally Preferred Alternative was announced in July 2021 and a concept meeting took place this month. The target for construction letting is Spring 2024.
Details on each Northeast Trail segment can be found in our design and construction updates section: Segment 1, Segment 2, Segments 3-6.
Eastside Trail
Capital Improvements: Work is progressing on the installation of a 2-foot wide soft shoulder to both sides of the Eastside Trail between Monroe Drive and Irwin Street. This project should be completed in the next few months. We appreciate your patience as crews work alongside the trail.
Ponce de Leon Avenue Streetscapes: While work was scheduled to start in July, ABI will be rebidding this project. We will communicate updates on this project as we have them.
Crews at work on the soft shoulders along the Eastside Trail. September 27, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Crews at work on the soft shoulders along the Eastside Trail. September 27, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Crews at work on the soft shoulders along the Eastside Trail. September 27, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Eastside Trail shoulder ahead of installation. September 27, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Complete soft shoulder installation on the Eastside Trail. September 27, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Southside Trail
Southside Trail – Segment 1: The first segment of the Southside Trail is now open! The construction fences came down September 8, 2021, and the official ribbon cutting will take place on October 12 at 9:30 a.m. alongside the trail at Pittsburgh Yards.
The drawings for the balance of the Southside Trail (Segments 2-5) are at 90% complete and work is in progress to align and confirm budgets and bring the drawings to 100% complete. The cost to construct these segments will be covered by SSD funding.
Looking west from the eastern end of the Southside Trail with Pittsburgh Yards to the right. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
The current eastern end of the Southside Trail with the passage under Downtown Connector in the background. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Southside Trail looking east toward the Downtown Connector. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Connecting path from Manford Road to Pittsburgh Yards across the Southside Trail. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Southside Trail connecting path to Manford Road. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Southside Trail looking east. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Southside Trail over Metropolitan Parkway. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Ramp between the Southside Trail and Metropolitan Parkway. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Southside Trail bridge over Metropolitan Parkway. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Southside Trail looking west from the bridge over Metropolitan Parkway. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Southside Trail where a path branches off to Allene Avenue. “The Vivian” development by RangeWater will be to the left. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Retention pond between the Southside Trail and the connecting path to Allene Avenue. September 2, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Southside Trail – Segments 4 and 5: Work on Segments 4 and 5 (between Boulevard and Glenwood Avenue) is expected to be ready to bid in the fall of 2022, contingent upon permitting receipt and the completion of utility relocation work.
Southside Trail – Segments 2 and 3: These segments, that make up nearly two miles between Pittsburgh Yards and Boulevard, will follow with a bid date expected in summer of 2023. The City and ABI applied for a FY21 USDOT RAISE grant in July 2021 for $22 million to support construction of these segments. Federal grants will also be used for Segments 2 and 3, which requires a longer timeline for design approvals.
Details on each Southside Trail segment can be found in our design and construction updates section: Segment 1 (West Segment) and Segments 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Westside Trail
Westside Trail – Segment 3: Construction continues by the PATH Foundation in conjunction with ABI on this 1.2 mile-long segment between Law Street and Huff Road along Marietta Boulevard. Construction of the multi-use trail is roughly 50% complete and anticipated to be complete by early 2022.
Westside Trail – Segment 4: Design of this segment between the existing Westside Trail at Washington Park and the Westside Beltline Connector at Hollowell Parkway is approximately 30% complete. Design work is expected to be completed within a year.
Details on each Westside Trail segment can be found in our design and construction updates section: Segment 3 and Segment 4.
Westside Trail – Segment 3 along Marietta Boulevard. September 26, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Westside Trail – Segment 3 along Marietta Boulevard. September 26, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Westside Trail – Segment 3 along Marietta Boulevard. September 26, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Westside Trail – Segment 3 where the trail curves to go under Marietta Boulevard and connect to the Westside Beltline Connector. September 26, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Westside Trail – Segment 3 where the trail curves to go under Marietta Boulevard and connect to the Westside Beltline Connector. September 26, 2021. Photo by John Becker.
Rendering of the Atlanta Beltline Westside Trail along Marietta Boulevard looking south.
Northwest Trail
ABI and PATH Foundation are continuing the trail alignment study on the Northwest Trail. Eight options are under consideration organized into three main corridors. The next public meeting will be held in November.
ABI has secured an easement with QTS in the Knight Park/Howell Station neighborhood for future Atlanta Beltline corridor needs. ABI is currently studying this area with the PATH Foundation to identify possible alignments for future Atlanta Beltline mainline or spur trails.
All meeting info is available at Click here for background and info on the Northwest Trail.
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