Atlanta Beltline, Inc. Design and Construction Updates: January 2023
Below you will find recent updates and photos of each of our Atlanta Beltline projects in construction or design along with links to get more general information about each project....
- Design & Construction
- Parks & Trails

Below you will find recent updates and photos of each of our Atlanta Beltline projects in construction or design along with links to get more general information about each project. Additionally, you can explore current design and construction projects via map and list view here. These projects play a pivotal role in furthering the Atlanta Beltline vision to be the catalyst for making Atlanta a global beacon for equitable, inclusive, and sustainable city life.
Northeast Trail
Northeast Trail – Segment 1: A 90% design package has been received for this segment with 100% design expected in February. The trail runs from the northern end of the Eastside Trail to Westminster Drive with a portion through Piedmont Park. The Beltline continues to work alongside Piedmont Park Conservancy, City of Atlanta Parks Department, and Atlanta Department of Transportation. Construction is expected to bid and start in 2023 and to take approximately 18 months to complete.
Northeast Trail – Segment 2: Replacement and repair work is in progress on the existing wood bridge over Clear Creek Bridge. Work on the ramp to Piedmont Avenue continues to be a focus. Along the already completed portions of the concrete trail, electrical crews are also setting bases and conduit for lighting and cameras, and trees and shrubs are being installed. This construction work is currently scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2023, with final landscaping to follow in last 2023 and early 2024.
Northeast Trail – Segment 3: A Preliminary Field Plan Review (for 60% design drawings) took place this month. ABI is coordinating engineering reviews required for a bridge crossing over the CSX railroad. Investigative work to identify the location of a sewer main line will be in progress soon, as well as geotechnical boring work for future bridge structures.
Details on each Northeast Trail segment can be found in our design and construction updates section: Segment 1, Segment 2, and Segment 3.
Northeast Trail wooden bridge across Clear Creek behind Ansley Mall. January 21, 2023.
Landscaping underway behind Ansley Mall on the Northeast Trail. January 21, 2023.
Northeast Trail behind Ansley Mall. January 21, 2023.
Eastside Trail
Ponce de Leon Avenue Streetscapes: The Ponce streetscape project will provide an improved pedestrian and bicycle connection along Ponce to the Beltline running from Boulevard to Freedom Parkway. JHC, the project contractor, is moving west on the north side of Ponce from Freedom Parkway. This is an 18-month schedule, and the contractor is approximately 15% complete with the work. Work is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2024. Updates will be posted at
Ponce streetscapes construction. January 21, 2023.
Southside Trail
Southside Trail – Segments 2 – 3: The construction of Segments 2 and 3 is on track to be bid for construction in September 2023. This segment is tied to federal dollars and the federal construction process.
Southside Trail – Segments 4 – 5: We are in the process of securing the date for the official groundbreaking. Fiber relocation work is continuing and is expected to be completed in late February. A boring rig is in place at Ormewood Avenue to bury fiber conduit under the road. The next step in the fiber relocation project is the installation of manholes and pulling communications fiber into the new conduit. Trail construction has been awarded to Reeves Young Construction and is expected to begin in March, which is when the trail will officially close. We will keep our community members informed as soon as we have a confirmed timeline. A Southeast Study Group meeting to introduce the contractor is set for January 31st. Click here for meeting registration details.
Details on each Southside Trail segment can be found in our design and construction updates section: Segments 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Southside Trail fiber relocation. January 21, 2023.
Southside Trail fiber relocation. January 21, 2023.
Westside Trail
Westside Trail – Segment 4: Construction will begin this quarter on this 1.3-mile segment connecting the two existing segments of the Westside Trail between Washington Park and just north of Hollowell Parkway. Construction bidding is complete, and we have awarded this work to Astra Group, the low bid contractor on the project. We will be mobilizing early power line relocation work, and tree clearing likely by late February or early March. A Westside Study Group meeting to introduce the community to the contractor is scheduled for February 2nd to familiarize residents with the construction project. Click here for meeting registration details. This project is a complicated design that includes elevated structures and bridges, and we expect it to be completed within 2.5 years.
Details on this Westside Trail segment can be found in our design and construction updates section for Segment 4.
Northwest Trail
Northwest Trail – Segment 1: 60% Drawings were received in January, along with a cost estimate. The current schedule is targeting this segment moving into construction in late 2023 or early in 2024.
Northwest Trail – Segment 2: Design kick off meeting was completed with the project team in December. A site survey and boring work will be in progress during the first part of this year. We are expecting 30% design by July of this year and to be approaching 60% design by the end of 2023.
Northwest Trail – Segment 3: In January, we received 30% drawings. Design work is expected to be nearing completion by the end of 2023.
Northwest Trail – Segment 4: Design kick off meeting was completed with the project team in December. A site survey and boring work will be in progress during the first part of this year. We are expecting 30% design by September of this year and to be approaching 60% design by the end of 2023.
Northwest Trail – Segment 5: In October, we received 30% drawings. Drawings are expected be complete this year, and depending on real estate negotiations, it may be possible to move this project to construction in late 2023 or early in 2024.
A Northside Study Group meeting will take place on February 6. Click here for meeting registration details.
Northwest Trail – Segment 5 in its current state. January 20, 2023.
Northside Trail
CSX has been replacing the elevates railroad bridge and trestle that runs between Tanyard Creek Park and Ardmore Park and over the Atlanta Beltline Northside Trail. PATH Foundation and CSX are working to repave the trail and re-sod the grass in the field. Please reach out to with any questions.
Our first Quarterly Briefing of 2023 will take place on February 9 – register here. All upcoming and past public meetings can be found at
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