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Connector Trail

Southwest Connector Trail

Part of the Atlanta Beltline’s 33-mile trail network, the Southwest Connector Trail connects neighborhoods to the Southwest and Westside Trails via mixed-use paths and on-street “sharrows.”

A pathway runs through trees in the fall.

Ride & Explore

The Southwest Connector Trail extends from the Southwest and Westside Trails to Westview Cemetery and then follows side streets to the Hampton-Beecher Nature Preserve.

A sign on the trail directs users to different destinations. (Photo Credit: Erin Sintos)

Bridges cross Utoy Creek on the Southwest Connector Trail. (Photo Credit: Erin Sintos)

Trail Etiquette

The Beltline is for Everybody

We want everyone of every age and background to enjoy their time on the Atlanta Beltline. Let’s respect the trails and each other by following proper trail etiquette.

A happy dog stands on a trail with its owner behind.

Report Maintenance Issues

Report an issue: Maintenance issues on the trail can be reported to (404) 546-0311 or by visiting Always call 911 in case of emergencies.

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