Guidance for Trail & Park Usage
Ensuring an enjoyable and safe Beltline experience for everyone.
Know Before You Go!
With more than two million visits a year, it takes all of us to keep a friendly, courteous, and clean environment on the trails and in the parks. Below are some friendly reminders.

Stay Alert
Stay aware of your surroundings
Pick up your litter
Clean up after your pet
Keep children close
Keep your ears open
Keep Right
Share the trail
Slower traffic stays right
Walk only in twos, side-by side
Step off the trail to stop or talk
Leash your pets and keep them close
Ride Safely
Slow down
Pass on the left
Call “left” or ring your bell when passing
Park scooters and other e-devices off of the trails in designated parking spaces
Regulations Determined by City Ordinances
In addition to common courtesies, usage of the trails and parks is also guided by the following rules set forth through City of Atlanta Ordinances.

Report all illegal activities to 911
Place all litter in receptacles
All pets must be on a leash
No horses are allowed at any time (Sec. 110-71)
No motorized vehicles allowed on the trail
No tents or canopies allowed*
No equipment that calls for independent power*
*unless you have a valid permit
No digging holes or putting stakes in the ground*
No glass containers
No amplified music*
No selling food, drinks, or other items*
No alcohol*
No drugs or illegal substances
Smoking prohibited
Call 911 in an Emergency
In case of an emergency situation, please call 911 immediately. Location identification stickers with numbers are installed on each light pole on paved trails and every .10 miles on interim trails. Providing this number to 911 will help first responders identify the location of an incident and provide them with detailed directions to the nearest trail access point.
Security cameras are installed along all open, paved trails and are integrated into the Atlanta Police Department’s monitoring systems.