Northwest Trail Alignment Study Update

Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. and the PATH Foundation are analyzing results of community feedback, overall experience of the trail user, constructability, and financing in the Northwest Trail alignment study. Residents were encouraged to give input into several potential corridors on an interactive map posted for more than 13 weeks. In mid-January, an additional corridor option – Corridor 7 – was added to provide another avenue of study in case design and real estate right of way challenges on Corridor 5 and Corridor 6 cannot be resolved.

This new development will require additional analysis and pushes the timeline back slightly to announce a preferred alignment priority order. ABI and PATH Foundation hope to schedule a community meeting to share findings by April 2022. The next step will be to host a community meeting to kick off design and implementation plan for the trail, hopefully in May.

Click here for background and info on the Northwest Trail. All meeting info is available at

Northwest Trail Alignment Study with corridor 7
Northwest Trail Alignment Study with the new corridor 7 option now under analysis as of January 2022.
Atlanta BeltLine design and construction updates map January 2022
Full Atlanta BeltLine map showing design and construction updates for January 2022.

8 thoughts on this article. Join the discussion below

  1. Thank you for all of your hard work. Beltline/PATHS are the best thing our city has ever done.

    I would suggest rethinking the Peachtree Memorial Link to Pechtree St. If it’s totally repaved and landscaped, possibly it could work, but it’s a tight squeeze there as is.

    If it’s decided to place the path on the woods side of Peachtree Creek, a bridge to connect Peachtree Memorial to the path would be terrific. Again, thanks for everything. I use the beltline/paths a lot and I love them.

  2. I live on the Northwest corner of the golf course and frequent the Path and existing Beltline along Tanyard Creek. Our family cannot wait to get connected to the main strip by Piedmont Park! Looking at all 3 proposals, here are my thoughts. I love the path along the creek as it offers scenery and peacefulness. However, the creek does flood and putting the path along the creek could present a challenge and force more bridges (although these are nice!). The more practical and efficient of these 3 proposals seems to be corridor 6. I have recently ridden my bike down here twice and it is also quiet and nice with a lot of businesses around. Just my two cents!

  3. I would also add, corridor 7, as it goes north up Peachtree Road wouldn’t give it that “Beltline” feel in my opinion. And road traffic is usually very heavy so avoiding this section would be better. I know you all do extensive research, Jenny, so happy with any choice!! Thanks

  4. Being a resident on Peachtree memorial, I feel the corridor 7 proposal would make it more difficult for the residents to retreat from the flooding that occurs in our car ports when it rains heavily. And the street can be very busy with movers, landscapers and deliveries that occur often.
    How would the residents get in and out of their driveways, let alone up and down what’s can already be a tight street?
    What damage would be done to our landscape and little canopy of trees left?

    These are things to consider tremendously.

  5. Corridor 7 along the creek and trees is the most beautiful and peaceful and is likely to become a highlight of this section of the Beltline. The creek does not flood when the water flows freely and annual or semi-annual maintenance of the creek by the City or Beltline will likely eliminate all flooding. The Corridor 7 section along Peachtree Road will add an urban feel to the Beltline similar to the Beltline at Ponce City Market. (Corridor 6 would be a bad choice – no beauty and the tunnel under Peachtree Road is most un-inviting and very narrow).

  6. Corridor 6 is also a bad choice as it very close to a Georgia Power Substation which emits EMFs (electric and magnetic fields) and is also very unattractive. The science of EMFs has not been fully established and some believe the EMFs are carcinogenic. Corridor 6 is a bad choice as the tunnel under Peachtree Rd is narrow, decrepit, and dark and Corridor 6 is bordered by the Georgia Power Substation. Corridor 5 is also a bad choice as it has an unnecessary bridge over Peachtree Creek, is adjacent to E Rivers Elementary School and lacks the urban elements along Peachtree Rd that is offered by Corridor 7. Corridor 7 is the only wise choice for the Beltline. Corridor 7 has natural beauty – water and trees – and also has the urban and cool path along Peachtree Rd.
    Corridors 5 and 6 are a liability and should be rejected. Corridor 7 is an asset and should be selected.

  7. I was just driving down Bennett Street, and it would be an awful location for the Beltline. In addition to a bunch of what look like empty storefronts, there’s a large power plant. There’s no greenery like at other parts of the trail. It just looks awful.

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