atlanta beltline run club
Move, Mingle, and Make Friends on the Beltline
Join weekly runs for all levels – fun, friendly, and always free!
Join the Atlanta Beltline Partnership and Atlanta Track Club every Thursday for a 2- or 4-mile fun run/walk. Stay to socialize with others and enjoy post-run refreshments supporting local businesses near the Atlanta Beltline.
Run Club is a dog-friendly environment, so bring your walking or running partner. Weekly raffles, along with products from the host breweries, adds to the fun.
Make new friends or connect with existing ones while visiting the nine rotating locations on the Beltline. Here’s the line-up:
Sweetwater Brewing (Northeast Trail)
Wild Heaven Brewing (Southwest Trail)
BrewDog (Eastside Trail)
Westside Motor Lounge (Westside Beltline Connector)
Elsewhere Brewing (Southside Trail)
Best End Brewing (Southwest Trail)
Three Taverns Imaginarium (Southeast Trail)
Monday Night Garage (Southwest Trail)