Tax Allocation District Advisory Committee (TADAC)
Engaging the Community in the Beltline Vision
Roles & Responsibilities
The Atlanta Beltline Tax Allocation District Advisory Committee (TADAC) was created to ensure Atlantans could share feedback on the planning, design, and implementation of the Beltline. The group also helps provide recommendations on how to manage the Atlanta Beltline Tax Allocation District (TAD).
Since implementation, the committee has completed:
The development and implementation of a comprehensive decision support measurement tool.
An independent review of the Atlanta Beltline’s Five-Year Work Plan.
The joint drafting of an equitable development plan alongside Atlanta Beltline, Inc. (ABI).
Ensuring the Community Has a Voice
To help guide community engagement, we developed a framework consisting of five components (including TADAC). Those components are:
The TADAC and Affordable Housing Advisory Board
The inclusion of a community representative on the ABI Board of Directors
At least one community engagement advocate on staff for ABI
Formal community reporting
Mechanisms to engage the community living in the Atlanta Beltline Planning Area

Meet the Committee
The TADAC is composed of stakeholders who represent various communities, governing bodies, and neighborhood groups. The TADAC also contains two subcommittees for further feedback and engagement: the Finance Subcommittee, which makes recommendations on all matters related to Atlanta Beltline finances, and the Development Subcommittee, which monitors the equitable and efficient implementation of the Beltline on behalf of TADAC. The Development Subcommittee also ensures that Atlanta Beltline, Inc. is adhering to the plans outlined in the Strategic Implementation Plan.
6 vacancies
Stephanie Flowers
Coreen Dent
Ronald Grunwald
Robert Morris
Heather Graybill
Richard Taylor
1 vacancy
Lucy Bigham
Doretta Hayes-Parker
Mat Tainow
Sagirah Jones
Joey Kline
1 vacancy
Phillippa Chadd
Nate Jester
Ken Zeff
7 Vacancies
Andrew Gorang
David Hamilton
David Mitchell
5 vacancies
Gabriel Sterling
M. Dawn Brockington-Shaw
Retina Burton
Lamar Willis
Bridgette Walton