Westside Trail - Segment 6
Once complete, this 0.6-mile section of trail will connect the Westside Trail at Lawton Street SW to the Westside Trail at Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard. The project will include the design of a 14’ wide concrete multi-use path with soft shoulders on each side, planting, fiber duct bank, retaining walls, stainless steel handrails/guardrails, storm drainage and management (with a focus on green infrastructure), environmental remediation, lighting, and security cameras.

Westside Trail - Segment 6 will provide a connection to Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard. (Photo Credit: The Sintoses)
Project Status
This project is currently in procurement for design services. To learn more about the procurement, click here.
Project Timeline
Late 2024: Procurement for design and engineering services.
Early 2025: Design starts.
2026: Design is complete. Construction begins.
2027: Construction is completed. Landscaping follows.