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Northwest Trail - Segment 4

This 0.9-mile-long trail begins at English and Culpepper, generally going east until crossing Howell Mill Road and ending at the Monday Night Brewery parking lot at Trabert Ave.

Project Status

The 60% drawings are complete which releases real estate to begin property purchases and easements. Coordination with the Department of Watershed Management and other property owners has been very productive and the alignment for this segment has been confirmed. We will be splitting Segment 4 into two parts called Section 1 and Section 2. We are currently soliciting a construction manager for Section 1 from English Street to Howell Mill.

Project Timeline

  • Aug 2024: 90% Design Complete

  • Dec 2024: 100% Design

  • Apr 2025: Expected Construction Start

  • Apr 2027: Estimated Construction Completion

Design & Construction Team


Jay Suever
Project Manager