Northwest Trail - Segment 3
This 1.2-mile section of trail begins at Trabert Avenue near Monday Night Brewing and ends after crossing under I-75 at Tanyard Creek.
The project will be done in phases, with the first phase currently under construction.

The full Northwest Trail will run for 4.3 miles from the terminus of the Westside Trail to the beginning of the Northeast Trail.
Project Status
Design will be 60% complete by the end of May 2024. A contract was awarded to Astra Group for Construction Manager at Risk Services. The construction manager will provide early assistance with construction logistics, scheduling, and budgeting while the drawings are being completed. The section of the trail between Trabert and Northside has started construction. Storm water piping has been completed and sewer is commencing.
Project Timeline
June 2022: Survey work began.
August 2022: Prioritized alignment announced for the Northwest Trail.
January 2023: 30% design completed.
January 2024: Astra Group hired as Construction Manager at Risk.
June 2024: Astra Group began construction activities.