Northeast Trail-Segment 3
The future third segment of the Northeast Trail will consist of 2.4-miles of mainline trail from Buford Highway to MARTA Lindbergh Station. It will include connections to the Armour-Ottley commercial district, the PATH400 trail, and access points from public streets. The project will involve crossings of existing MARTA heavy rail, Norfolk Southern Railway freight rail, CSX freight rail, GDOT freeway, and Peachtree Creek.

This segment of the Atlanta Beltline is not currently open to the public as there is no existing unpaved trail for use.

Northeast Trail - Segment 3 will curve north after passing under MARTA tracks at Mayson Street. (Photo Credit: Erin Sintos)
Project Status
This project is in the right-of-way acquisition phase. Coordination and negotiation with property owners is the primary effort underway. Most of the real estate work was completed in 2024, with just a couple parcels to go in early 2025. We are on schedule to open construction bids in summer 2025, to align with the fiscal year. The project has more than $42M in federal funding allocated to the project.
Project Timeline
July 2020: Approved GDOT Concept Report
July 2021: Locally Preferred Alternative announced
June 2023: Awarded a $25 million USDOT RAISE grant
March 2024: Scheduled to Complete 90% Drawings
May 2025: Target Construction Letting / Bidding
August 2025: Current Expected Construction Start