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An Exciting Way to Engage with the Atlanta Beltline!

The Atlanta Beltline is more than just a trail; it’s a living, breathing community space. And you can help make it even better! Our Adopt-the-Beltline program lets you become a steward of this vibrant urban oasis.

Why Adopt-the-Beltline

A partnership between the Atlanta Beltline Partnership, Atlanta Beltline Inc., and Trees Atlanta, the Adopt-the-Atlanta Beltline program offers an opportunity for community groups to play a direct role in helping improve and maintain the Atlanta Beltline.

  • Make a positive impact on your community.

  • Beautify and maintain your local Beltline segment.

  • Create a cleaner, greener, and more accessible Beltline for all.

  • Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for the environment.

There are two categories of adoption groups with slightly different requirements:

  • Local groups are the eyes and ears for the adopted segment and will generally conduct monthly (or more frequent) site visits and smaller clean-ups. Minimum requirement: 3 hours per month.

  • Corporate groups will generally organize larger quarterly projects, visiting the segment less frequently than the local group but meeting a higher number of volunteer hours. During the initial adoption conversation, corporate groups will discuss donating to support the Adopt-the-Beltline program with the Volunteer Manager. Minimum requirement: 15 hours per quarter.

  • Team-building opportunity for community groups, businesses, and local organizations.

  • Sense of doing good and contributing to the progress of the Atlanta Beltline.

  • Raising awareness for service opportunities and greenspace initiatives.

  • To commit to a one-year, renewable segment adoption with monthly volunteer day.

  • A training and orientation session.

  • Different segments of the Beltline will require different volunteer support. Some segments may only necessitate litter clean-up, while others may need to be cleared of brush or invasive plants, weeded, or monitored for maintenance concerns.

  • That you’ll improve the morale of your peers by working side-by-side on a project that’s transforming Atlanta!

Our Partners

The Adopt-the-Beltline program would not be possible without our incredible partners.