Zumba Fitness!

Atlanta, GA, United States

Course Description: This class offers a comprehensive approach to dance fitness. Participants will be able to engage in various activities, including ZUMBA and HIP-HOP. The course is designed to cater to … Continue Reading →


Zumba Fitness!

Atlanta, GA, United States

Course Description: This class offers a comprehensive approach to dance fitness. Participants will be able to engage in various activities, including ZUMBA and HIP-HOP. The course is designed to cater to … Continue Reading →


Zumba Fitness!

Atlanta, GA, United States

Course Description: This class offers a comprehensive approach to dance fitness. Participants will be able to engage in various activities, including ZUMBA and HIP-HOP. The course is designed to cater to individuals of all fitness levels, regardless of their current stage in their fitness journey.   Objectives: The primary goal of this class is to provide … Continue Reading →


Zumba Fitness!

Atlanta, GA, United States

Course Description: This class offers a comprehensive approach to dance fitness. Participants will be able to engage in various activities, including ZUMBA and HIP-HOP. The course is designed to cater to individuals of all fitness levels, regardless of their current stage in their fitness journey.   Objectives: The primary goal of this class is to provide … Continue Reading →


Zumba Fitness!

Atlanta, GA, United States

Course Description: This class offers a comprehensive approach to dance fitness. Participants will be able to engage in various activities, including ZUMBA and HIP-HOP. The course is designed to cater to … Continue Reading →


Zumba Fitness!

Atlanta, GA, United States

Course Description: This class offers a comprehensive approach to dance fitness. Participants will be able to engage in various activities, including ZUMBA and HIP-HOP. The course is designed to cater to … Continue Reading →


Zumba Fitness!

Atlanta, GA, United States

Course Description: This class offers a comprehensive approach to dance fitness. Participants will be able to engage in various activities, including ZUMBA and HIP-HOP. The course is designed to cater to … Continue Reading →


Zumba Fitness!

Atlanta, GA, United States

Course Description: This class offers a comprehensive approach to dance fitness. Participants will be able to engage in various activities, including ZUMBA and HIP-HOP. The course is designed to cater to … Continue Reading →


Zumba Fitness!

Atlanta, GA, United States

Course Description: This class offers a comprehensive approach to dance fitness. Participants will be able to engage in various activities, including ZUMBA and HIP-HOP. The course is designed to cater to … Continue Reading →
