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The Txlips Band | 2018

This set was performed as part of the A.M.F.M. Music Festival on Friday, August 10, 2018, at The Bakery, adjacent to the Westside Trail.

About the Artist

The Txlips Band

<div id="site-navigation"> <div id="top-menu"></div> </div> <div class="container"> <div id="primary" class="content-area"><main id="main" class="site-main" role="main"><article id="post-38139" class="post-38139 art type-art status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry art_artist-the-txlips art_category-beltline-flow art_discipline-music art_location-gordon-white-park"> <div class="entry-content artist-content"> <div class="artist-entry"> The TxLips Band is a dynamic group of diverse Black women from across the U.S. whose mission it is to challenge the boundaries set for women in the music industry as well as to inspire girls and women worldwide to be an unstoppable force. This Atlanta based rock band has contributed to pushing the status quo of what the world says women can do. From the main stages of Afropunk to opening for the legendary Indio Girls, The TxLips dominate every stage they touch. </div> </div> </article></main></div> </div>