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Nathan Koskovich and Nghi Duong | 2014

Designed to embrace the Atlanta Beltline's inclusive, community oriented culture, this kinetic, interactive sculpture consisting of two rows of hinged vertical blades provides the community an opportunity to participate in its visual display.

About the Artist

Nathan Koskovich and Nghi Duong

Nathan Koskovich is a Registered Architect and Ms. Nghi Duong is an Intern Architect. They have managed the 10up design competition for three years. As part of their responsibilities they coordinate work with property owners, designers, and volunteers, and managed certain aspects of the assembly and removal process. Typically these structures have had a base of 10'x10' and a height by as much 25'. This work includes administering the installation of a cantilevered, tensegrital structure on beltline property. Additionally Ms. Duong has extensive construction experience through her work with Habitat for Humanity where she is a certified Skill Supervisor.