Ethan Conlon is a sculptor, mechanic, and avid bicyclist who produces site specific and large scale sculptures situated in natural and urban settings. From a childhood spent in historic Savannah, Georgia, Ethan finds inspiration in the passage of time and the effects of time on the objects around us. His work utilizes various found and fabricated elements that work together to blend form and function in surprising and bizarre ways. From repurposing bicycle parts into kaleidoscopes to carving a field of stool sized toadstools out of fallen trees he often recycles found objects and explores the relationship between civilization and nature. He works independently and in collaboration with The Experience Collective.
Ethan Conlon | 2014

These sculptures explore the relationship between people and place. The rotary movement alludes to the movement of people along the Atlanta Beltline itself; challenging the viewer's perception of the space around them and creating consideration of their relationship to the urban environment and the elements composing it.