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Precious Predators

Stephanie Coffin | 2012

5'x3' mosaic mural of glass, marble and ceramic tile mounted in a steel frame anchored in concrete. The mural depicts greatly enlarged images of the four most damaging instects for organic gardeners, as well as the plants they attack. The mural reflects the beauty of their colors and shapes in shiny glass tile as well as present a life-like image for gardeners who must identify these pests to produce crops successfully. See how to access the Atlanta BeltLine at this location in southwest Atlanta.

About the Artist

Stephanie Coffin

Stephanie Coffin has lived in Atlanta for over 40 years and has been a mosaic artist for over 10. Her work includes birdbaths, tile over large concrete surfaces, small and large house murals, outdoor planters and a number of public tile pieces. She has a Bachelors in Arts and Science, Masters in Teaching, and a Masters in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. As a teacher at Georgia Perimeter College, Coffin team taught ESL students in the beginning college art class.