Stephen Audy is an Industrial Design graduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology has been a designer and artist in Atlanta for the past 15 years.
Spiral of Sound Crystal Bowl Choir | 2011
“Peace Spiral”, a labyrinth created with large translucent white crystal bowls that are played by members of the Spiral of Sound Crystal Bowl Choir becomes an intriguing opportunity for participants to contemplate peace, harmony and health within a pathway of meditative sound! Walking any labyrinth is an active meditation which becomes a metaphor for the journey of life, full of twists and turns, a separate journey for each and part of a larger experience for all. Walking a labyrinth brings about the “relaxation response”, as also happens when experiencing the sound waves of crystal bowls! Lowered blood pressure, deeper breathing, reduction of chronic pain, centering and focusing are long-term benefits gained from both these activities.