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Organic Emergence

Emer | 2011

Organic emergence is a piece inspired by modern Architectural Landscaping. I wanted to create a sculpture that was functional and appealing to the eye. With a ease of slope the eye carries from the tracks into the trees and allows the viewer a place to lay down and enjoy the surrounding space. Organic Emergence is inspired by modern architectural landscaping. With an ease of slope, the eye carries from the tracks into the trees and allows the viewer a place to lie down and enjoy the surrounding space. "Inviting the viewer into the piece and allowing them to interact with it is my goal. I believe art like this can bring people together in an outdoor space and create a beautiful space to interact with art, nature and fellow beings."

About the Artist


Emer believes in making art fun and enjoyable by a wide audience. He creates work that inspires and encourages laughter and smiles.