<p class="left"><span class="textexposedshow">Charlie Brouwer and his wife Glenda live in Floyd County in the Blue Ridge Mountains of rural SW Virginia in a 100 year old farmhouse they have renovated. 9 acres of open fields and woods with 20 outdoor sculptures placed alongside a ½ mile walking trail, surround the house and studio. Charlie calls their place “Out There” not only because of its remote location at the end of a 1.5 mile gravel road, but also because he believes that art can point us towards thoughts, feelings, and meanings beyond our immediate experience.<b></b></span></p>
Ordinary Guy
Charlie Brouwer | 2016

Sculptures of people on columns are a familiar sight. Usually these monuments are about political, cultural, or military heroes - "important people" in dramatic poses. While viewing the monuments of heroes can make us feel comparatively small and insignificant, the artist hopes viewers of this sculpture will think "that could be me up there."