Mr. Light is an academically trained artist currently residing in Lexington, KY, where he maintains an active studio. A Sculptor, Mr. Light prefers the use of fabricated metals for his work, as they afford a high degree of plasticity and durability for his expressions. Mr. Light has exhibited throughout the United States, and in the United Kingdom. His work is held in private, museum, and municipal collections. Mr. Light performs frequent speaking engagements and conducts workshops in various settings to further the practice of Sculpture.
Andrew Light | 2015
A sculpture built of stainless steel inspired by The Delphinian of the classical period, which was an enigmatic character swirled in the mists of mystery. By its ambiguous stance, the piece aims to pursue abstract figuration in a somewhat playful arrangement and scale, creating an object that will imbue its environment with a sense of wonder and curiosity.