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Art Conservation on the BeltLine

The recent Art on the Atlanta BeltLine Conservation Project proved to be a remarkable intersection of creativity, community, and conservation. Hosted by the AUC Art History + Curatorial Studies Collective...

  • Parks & Trails
  • Arts & Culture
DECEMBER 27, 2023

AUC students preserving “West End Remembers” by Malaika Favorite

The recent Art on the Atlanta BeltLine Conservation Project proved to be a remarkable intersection of creativity, community, and conservation. Hosted by the AUC Art History + Curatorial Studies Collective in collaboration with the BeltLine’s Arts & Culture department, this hands-on project brought together students, faculty, and art enthusiasts to contribute to the preservation of public art along the Westside Trail.

Under the guidance of artist and conservator Jeremee Prioleau, an exclusive cohort of students immersed themselves in the restoration of “West End Remembers” by Malaika Favorite. This vibrant mural depicts the rich history of the West End neighborhood in Atlanta.

As the conservator demonstrated techniques to safeguard Atlanta’s cherished public art, participants gained valuable insights into the intricate world of art conservation. In addition to learning how to restore pieces, the event also instilled a broader understanding of the challenges faced by public art pieces, including outdoor sculptures and murals.

Sydney Taylor, a junior from Spelman College, highlighted how crucial preserving the art along the BeltLine is. “It’s very important to make sure there is constant upkeep of the art here because it makes Atlanta. Art makes Atlanta.”

The community service aspect of the project extended beyond the restoration process. Participants strolled the Westside Trail, exploring other works of art, some in need of conservation. This immersive experience not only contributed to the preservation efforts but also deepened the connection between the community and its artistic heritage.

Art on the Atlanta BeltLine continues to be a beacon for inclusivity, inviting established and emerging artists to share their creations with diverse audiences. The Conservation Project echoed this mission, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between public art, community engagement, and the dedication required for its preservation. By actively participating in the preservation of public art, individuals were empowered to become stewards of their artistic heritage while enriching the cultural landscape.


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