Building a Connected and Equitable Future: Atlanta BeltLine Transit Study

Exciting news is unfolding in Atlanta as the BeltLine takes another step towards a more connected future. Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. has launched a transit planning study aimed at enhancing mobility, connectivity, and equity in the city. 

This study, supported by the Federal Transit Administration, will cover a 13.6-mile portion of the BeltLine corridor, bringing us closer to a comprehensive light rail transit system. The plan includes identifying transit alignments and station locations for the northwest quadrant, solidifying stations in the southwest and southeast quadrants, and integrating with MARTA’s existing networks. 

The BeltLine’s transit expansion isn’t just about moving people; it’s about making Atlanta more accessible, regardless of weather, ability, or location. This effort builds on previous reports and aligns with the BeltLine’s core vision of connectivity and opportunity. 

The study will take 24 months to complete and will involve extensive community outreach, environmental considerations, service planning, ridership projections, and financial planning. It will also examine how the transit network connects with regional trails, ensuring a comprehensive transportation system. 

We look forward to hearing from our communities. Join the virtual Citywide Conversation meeting on October 2 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom and Facebook to ask questions and share your thoughts. The meeting will be broadcast virtually on Zoom and Facebook. The Zoom registration link is here. To join this meeting by phone, dial 929-205-6099 and enter webinar ID 857 7692 0273. 

Visit for details and access to past presentations. Together, we’re creating a more connected, inclusive, and vibrant Atlanta.  Atlanta BeltLine Transit Study map

One thought on “Building a Connected and Equitable Future: Atlanta BeltLine Transit Study Join the discussion below

  1. With skyrocketing construction costs, I personally wish Marta would instead of heavy/light rail do the rapid bus system on the beltline. I believe it could use dedicated traffic lanes as per rail but take much less time and cost. Going with the rapid bus system instead of rail would allow for more transit in a shorter period of time. It could run using smaller vehicles, also costing less. While I like streetcars, I don’t know if that’s the best use of money for the beltline transit.

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